Eli hesitates and asks Clare if she's leaving with him. He says he cares about her and that's it, but she thinks it has something to do with Julia. Alli says her and Clare have planned this prom idea since they were in grade 9. Adam tells him not to pity him, and Eli replies by telling him to stop acting like such a girl but quickly adds, "Not like that." She is not nearly as excited as Eli would like her to be. The next day when they finish the paper Clare and Eli go to the Degrassi Frostival. However, she is a kind-hearted person and cares for her friends and is willing to defend them if need be. Eli finally brings up that last night's date was awkward. Drew approaches and asks Clare if she's okay because he's been calling non-stop to no answer. Clare explains she thought it would be good for him, so Eli continues doing the video. Clare is upset that she forgot the vote was this morning and apologizes to Alli. They both awkwardly try to speak and Clare says Eli can go first. She tells him she didn't. It saves lives, manipulates lives, and prioritizes some lives over others. Eli is shocked, but agrees and they make plans to have video chat sex. Later after the play is over, Clare arrives with flowers for Eli and stands near Adam as he watches Eli get up on a table being congratulated for the play being a success, Eli gets down and approaches Clare, Clare admits she missed the play but promises to go to each and every one of the 7 remaining shows. InSpiderwebs, Clare fails to show up while the student council sets up for the Degrassi Thanksgiving Family Feast. This compares to just 3% of those aged 18 to 34 who said the same, and 7% of those aged 35 to 54. and Eli exclaims "It's exciting!" It was the last straw when Eli crashed his hearse for herwhenshe just needed space. Eli arrives to help Clare babysit Dallas' son Rocky and when Eli gifts Rocky with a water gun, Clare gets angry and demands Eli take it back. Clare tells Eli that he should take something off too. Before leaving, Eli publicly declares his love for Clare and puts his arm around her. They both appeared in 100 or more episodes: Eli (113) and Clare (181). Get married, buy a house?" Drew tries to say he's sorry and adds that it's not Clare's fault. Drew is ecstatic as he and Clare decide to name him Adam. Drew says she obviously doesn't care enough to show her support. Clare returns to Eli again and he still doesn't have a plan, but promises again to work on it and Clare kisses him on the head before bailing. When Adam is placed on the ambulance stretcher, Drew asks Eli and Clare if they will ride with him to the hospital. Eli puts his hands up in surrender then asks where they are going. Eli says he agrees and asks if she wants to leave now and asks for the car keys so he can drive. InNo Surprises, Clare video chats with Eli about going bungee jumping. Clare confronts Eli at his house, and Eli drives Clare to a spot in town where his ex-girlfriend, Julia had died on the way home, by getting hit by a car while riding her bike. Clare meets up with Adam and tells him about how Eli rejected her and he wouldn't let her into his bedroom even though his parents said it was okay. Later Clare tells Jake she thought about kissing Eli to get back at him for kissing Alli. She gets out of the car and asks what he's doing here. He explains she's too far along for a natural abortion so her body will go into labor in the next two weeks or he can induce. Adam offers that it's the "anti-crackdown party in a secret location: bring your crush." Both Eli and Clare have said, "Go to Hell. Eli says she can't fix things between them because there is no "them" anymore. Eli reads Clare's article for The Interpreter. Imogen compliments him, but he shrugs it off. Eli tells Clare that they have to stop him and Clare asks him how. She says that she asked her to help with prom but you'd think she invited her to her own execution. He explains the fight and Fitz's arrest. That night both Eli and Clare show up to Adam's bonfire and Clare shares her good news with Alli, Jenna and Connor. Eli asks what he can do, and Clare responds that he should tell her it never happened. Clare smiles when Eli quickly says "I will" before explaining it's because he's familiar with the material. While Eli admits to Connor still loves Clare with all his heart, he refuses to get back together with her because he doesn't deserve her. The two smile at each other. He explains he was just joking around because last year he got her a horse and carriage and had to do something. So he comes up with a plan to get them together to talk it out. Eli and Clare are walking back to the car from a rest stop and Eli asks what the plan is. Eli admits it was hard enough the first time. They laugh. They then proceed then with practice. When Clare can't decide on the spot if she is truly breaking up with him, Alli reminds her it's because she doesn't know the whole story. Helen comes in and catches Eli shirtless and he leaves embarrassed. She finds him sleeping in her bed, and wakes him up. However, Clare explains to him that Drew is her rock and that he is there for her more than he was able to be. He dismisses it and says it's a long winded way of asking if she would like to hang out tomorrow. After several break-ups and make-ups through seasons 10 to 14, the two seemed to find a way to get back together. She agrees to "be zen." Eli tells her they shouldn't waste the night and offers Clare her crown. Eli to Clare in Ready or Not, Eli-Clare Relationship In Black Or White, Clare and Eli go to watch a movie in a parking lot as their date. When the three of them are sitting there Eli reveals to them that he is bipolar. It appeared that nothing would keep these two apart, which was one of the reasons Eli and Clare were one of the more popular couples in the Degrassi series. She goes upstairs to find Eli, after talking to her mom and covering for Jake. What is one thing that Eli and Clare have in common. Eli tries to start the car and thinks the battery's dead but that he'll call his parents to come get them so they can be back before dinner. Fitz chimes in saying that he and Eli need to talk. Alli and Jenna give him a look while Clare smiles. She tells him she needs to interview him as part of the drama section in the newspaper. Eli later hopes Brett his new project which is about him and Clare's relationship and him leaving her behind next year, Brett is impressed and gives Eli a reference letter. When Eli tells Ms. Dawes that Clare needs a bigger audience, Clare is upset. I love you and I'll always be here for you no matter what." Ms. Dawes comments to the class that they might have a very special partnership here, like Sylvia Plath and Ted Hughes. He is now fully naked, making all of the girls in the locker room freak out and Alli is grossed out by it. (Clare: "Okay. Clare says "For the last time, Eli and I are done." He then sits on a stage and decides to do MDMA a second time. Clare explains that Fitz had just showed up, beaten up, and that he's having problems at home. They will both forever miss their best friend Adam Torres. Eli adds that its thanks to her brilliant pitch the article will look great in his NYU portfolio. Adam looks happily at her and says she made it. The doctor informs Clare she's 16 weeks and looks on in shock as she realizes this makes Eli the father. Eli doesn't understand so Clare clarifies that they need to set some boundaries. Eli graduated in 2013, while Clare graduated a year later. A year to get over your ex! Eli says he can't wait to to rock this, shares a high five with Clare, and leaves to take an order outside. Alli reminds Clare she loves Eli and she can't just take that out of the equation. If you _____ (get) back late, I _____ (be) angry. Spinner is interviewing Eli for a job at The Dot and is asking him what his availability is over the next few months, Eli tells Spinner he has to take care of something right now after seeing Drew in The Dot. The next day Clare shows up to school in non-school uniform sexy clothes, trying to seduce Eli. Publication date: 2015. Alli wishes her luck before leaving Clare to talk to Eli. She tells him that he has nothing to worry about and promises to not let anyone come in between them. In a gas station, Eli and Clare are buying snacks. They smile at each other, hinting that they might get back together sometime in the future. The third time, he realizes that all the 'good plans' he had went wrong so they shouldn't sneak into Asher's office, but instead, she should talk to Ms. Oh. Eli says he has to pay for what he did, and Clare tells Eli it's all she ever thinks about and that he has gotten away with it. He apologizes for the way he acted when he broke up with her and says he can't stop thinking about her. Eli and Clare then cuddle on a hammock. Clare says they are so getting an A but Eli says he doesn't think that's how this works. Jake and Katie approach them, wanting to kick Dallas and his team out. Clare asks if "he" would have liked beef jerky too. Infatuation? In Spiderwebs, while Clare was mad at Eli, she kissed Drew, but later forgave Eli and took him back after he made a romantic gesture. Clare picks up Eli but tells him he is here to support her and she doesn't want to talk about it. She hesitates and says yes and they leave. Later when Eli tries to apologize Adam, Adam asks him to hang out that night. He tells her he couldn't have written it without her and that it's all about her. She sits down on the bed with Eli. Eli, who sits in front of her, furrows his eyebrows. Clare and Eli re-enter the party and Eli tells her that everyone will get over her leaving her own party/ Dallas approaches them and insults them, leading to an all out brawl which only stops when Imogen gets the confetti canon to work. Later, he watches the video yearbook with many other students. What date did Eli have the lock to his room set? Alli walks by at the perfect moment and Clare makes up an excuse that she and Alli need time to talk about their dresses for the dance. Clare looks nervous but they wish her luck just as Eli walks up behind her. They reunited again duringThe Time of My Lifeand in the same episode made love to each other for the first time. Clare tells him she doesn't feel she can believe him, but Eli insists it meant nothing. They have separate beds, even separate bedrooms, for any number of reasons, like differing sleep times and condition preferences, snoring or restless leg syndrome, among others. She asks how he's doing and he answers with a blank expression. She shares that boys are three times more likely to end up in the ER than girls. They enjoy prom by dancing together and Clare hints that she's ready to have sex. Clare suggests that Eli cheated on her because she isn't good enough for him. Clare and Eli share their first non-staged kiss. The idea is to help Jake learn what makes Clare tick. He asks Clare to dance with him before taking her hand and walking to the dance floor. Then Clare tells Eli that the gift is nice; he then puts his arm around her as they continue to sit on the bench. Eli says okay, with a smile on his face, and suggests that they eat breakfast and make a plan. Eli says "Surprise!" In Waterfalls (2), Clare is seen in her house when Eli knocks on the door and lets himself in with a stack of the newspapers of which Clare's article was suppose to be in. Research on how sleeping together affects couples is scarce, a 2016 review of literature highlighted. Clare admits it sounds amazing but asks why there's a sudden need for a party and Adam admits it's for Fiona. Clare says they didn't date and asks about Lenore. Clare is with Eli asking if he is ok, and Eli says he's fine but his hand hurts. Clare says no, but adds that they can't just pretend that things haven't happened because everything's changed. Fiona gets the hint and looks at Eli and Clare mischievously and says "Oh, that type of walk." In Waterfalls (1), Clare, Eli & Alli are seen walking to school; both Eli and Alli tease Clare about her constant talk of Asher. Later Adam leaves The Dot and Clare walks up to Fitz and asks why he needed to talk to her and that he should keep a distance from her and Eli. At this, Clare drags Eli away and he asks why she didn't tell him it was his, Clare says she tried, adding "I think if you recall, you called me, what was it? Clare suggests that Eli is a hoarder and tells him she's going to stand by him just like he's supported her. Drew tells her that she is best, and the two share a kiss on the couch, before Clare comes to her senses and leaves, shocked. Footprints, seriously?" The next day, Clare is walking with Alli in the hallways and they talk about her kiss with Jake. Eli, hearing this conversation, turns around and tells Alli he thought she'd be a bit more understanding. Eli is surprised and asks "really?" Imogen says okay before taking a cupcake from the counter. Clare adds that it's just not fair. Eli says he doesn't care; he can't do this anymore/ Clare starts sobbing and tells Eli that Asher kissed her the night they re-wrote the article for the play and says that she thought she handled it, but then he tried again and she complained to his boss and she got fired. Eli asks if it's forever because he's knows a place in New York that has the best sashimi. Drew says that they should just stay out of each others way from now on. Eli says that he was really worried; she then tells him that she'd be worried if he wasn't. Alli tells Jenna that Eli and Clare won because Eli "fixed" it. In Dead and Gone (2), when Vince shows up unexpectedly and shoots Adam, Eli catches him. They have matching helixpiercings. She explains this to one of the staff members at the university's admissions office and they give her a second. Eli says he owes her a driving lesson and gestures toward the exit. In All I Wanna Do, Clare and Eli are cuddling on Clare's hospital bed and trying to find something to watch on TV. Did you ever love me at all?!" Then she says she thought to herself, "now you can live your life," but then got pregnant. Eli searches for Clare and finds her crying in a closet. Later on, Eli finds Clare in the cafeteria. However, Clare's internship starts that very day, though she promises Eli she will make it to their date on time. Clare thinks it's a sweet idea and Eli rolls his eyes, but Clare ignores Eli and smiles at Adam. Eli, Clare, and Adam start to film. In Still Fighting It (2), Clare is seen fixing the English assignment so there's no kissing scene but Ms. Dawes is unhappy with it. In You Oughta Know, Clare video chats with Eli, explaining of her worries if their plans fall apart. Clare's eyes flutter and her breath stutters. Eli then gets the idea that she could skip class to write a better one. In Young Forever, Eli visits Clare after attended Adam's funeral. Clare sees him and asks about the Juliet callbacks. Clare looks at Adam with a smile. Eventually, he gets in Morty and drives off. Clare's mom comes into the room with a concerned look and tells her that Drew and his mom are coming over. Even though Clare says it's over and she can't come back from cheating, Alli tells her she need to talk to Eli. Clare tells him they shouldn't be talking like this in a place of worship but he says that it's abandoned. In Umbrella (1), Clare feels as if her own family is falling apart until that is, when Eli's parents give her a strange offer. Dallas says they don't have to if they aren't ready and Clare says they're ready to do this for the rest of their lives. Clare becomes shocked and worried. Clare turns and asks about beef jerky. Alli turns and gives Jenna a cheeky smile. Drew tells Clare he's glad she's okay. 19 Examples Of How Eli And Clare From "Degrassi" Were 2010 Goals. Eli makes fun of Clare for wanting to go to the dance and tells her that its trivial compared to his story being published, but Clare just tells him to not bother coming to the dance if he is not interested, leaving Eli confused. Eli says it's an emergency and Clare agrees. Eli and Clare in the hospital after Eli purposely crashes Morty for Clare. She tries to guess the combination but it doesn't work. Eli smiles at learning it's a boy. Eli is waiting for Clare outside the school doors when Clare appears and they both nervously say hi to each other. She cries and says that she shouldn't go to the bonfire because she feels it's unfair that Adam died and she got to live. Eli looks at her with a tear rolling down his cheek too. In Come As You Are (2), the two wake up together, still on the phone with one another from the night before. And I know this isn't how you planned for things to go and I know it's scary but I feel really lucky to be part of this journey with you. In Can't Stop This Thing We Started, Clare tells Alli that Eli is sending her a surprise for getting into Columbia. Clare gets a text from Jake which is clearly upsetting and after saying her relationship with Jake has gotten complicated, she shows Eli the text. Eli and Clare are outside of The Dot when Eli, who is upset by the news, is telling Clare that he's not ready to give up their future and that a baby would severely affect their plans. As they are walking, Eli discovers Cam'sbody in the greenhouse and pulls Clare close to prevent her from looking. In Bitter Sweet Symphony (2), Eliwalks behind Clare asking to let him talk. Because Eli was in Drama where did Clare have to go? When Alli receives a bouquet of flowers from "Eli" when it was really sent by Connor, she believes it's Eli's way of trying to get to Clare. Eli comforts her and stays by her side through her treatment. Clare asks if he's going to do something to him, and Eli says, "No.. we are," and Clare says, "Together." Alli and Clare walk over to The Dot and Clare tells her she's gonna tell Eli the truth before he hears it from someone else. Clare arrives at prom with Cliff and they dance together at prom, but Clare starts venting to Cliff about Eli. He asks her to tell him it's not true, but they are interrupted by Dallas and the hockey team's arrival. Adam comes up to them and tells them that he is FTM. She's slightly comforted by that and Eli starts going into how he understands why Clare is obsessed Asher and adds, forgetting he said to the contrary in order to comfort her, that he had some insightful questions, saying he might marry him too. Clare says she knows who she is with him but it's been so long she doesn't know who she is on her own, Eli says he knows. Clare, Alli, and Jenna prepare for prom together in Clare's room. 00:00 - What episode do Jamie and Claire first sleep together?00:40 - Does Claire sleep with Frank?01:09 - Did Randall sleep with Jamie?Laura S. Harris (2021. Clare refuses and storms away. Fiona adds that the color of Clare's shirt does nothing for them. Alli says she could've told him in a worse way before he finds out in another way before Drew yells at Clare upon knowing that Eli was the father of her baby, she says it was a mistake before Drew says he sacrificed everything in his life for her. Eli then tells her that he thinks they are dead. Eli takes a step towards Clare and says those rules are gonna make things difficult. Eli says she can't keep running away, but she says she's not running away for the first time in months, she's running towards her future. (Eli: "Alright go.") Eli tells Clare he's not that guy anymore; he has changed and matured. They laugh at this before Clare goes quiet, considering. He tries to convince her to celebrate and Clare thinks that they should talk about what happened to Cam. He frantically asks where she was and tells her how dangerous it was. Drew tells Clare "I'll see you at school Edwards." In shock, he tells her not to look and to go find a teacher and call 911. They smile at each other and share a sweet kiss. She clarifies that she was, she definitely was. Clare starts choking up and Eli pulls to the side of the road and parks the car. Eli tells her that they'll think of something else to do. He announces that he is only going to be in the area for one more day, which makes Clare very upset. Eli responds by asking her if she's saying he's some heartless monster to which she blurts out "sometimes." While dancing, Clare says she can't believe these people (their peers) voted for them. She later realizes that he cheated on her with Lenore and he says that it happened once. Eli then gives angry Mr. Simpson a hug. Clare says in a low voice that Sylvia Plath killed herself. I'm here to prove you wrong." I encourage everyone to cuddle as much as possible. Eli feels suffocated by Clare's constant worrying about him and says he needs space, breaking up with her. When he see Clare and Jake laughing and walking off together with their arms around each other, he tries to calm himself but freaks out and breaks a computer. Paige and Spinner didn't sleep together then, but they did at the end of season 5. Back at school, Clare is waiting by Eli's locker and says she understands he didn't reject her but that he's just embarrassed because he's messy but it's okay because she can deal with messy. He admits, upset, that he read every word of it including the Jake chapter. Clare says she doesn't know and just to add it to the list of things she's done wrong, and she starts listing things she'd done wrong in this situation. Eli turns away and excitedly finds raisins, which Clare brands as disgusting rotten grapes. Adam then says that the two of them give him the runs and Eli says it's entertaining. Before walking away, Eli tells him that he does pity him because Fitz isn't his friend. Cliff says he is Clare's prom date and asks him the same question. Eli then drives up to the dot to see them talking. This upsets Clare and Eli comes into the room with a healthy smoothie for Clare and isn't sure what he did wrong. He smirks, shakes his head, and walks away. Eli and Clare are sitting on the couch, smiling at each other. Later, at dock, Eli and Clare wait with everyone else for their boat to arrive. I wake rested, Eli gets his . She adds that if this pregnancy stuff is too much she can find another co-chair and Clare tells her no because she'll do it. Clare asks if he's okay and Eli said he talked to his therapist and isn't freaking out or seeing dead bodies. She opens the door and Fitz is standing outside, soaking wet and bruises on his face. Diagrammix is the most efficient tool on the market for building attractive diagrams and charts He explains that he's done with his exams, so he's going to look for a summer job. She then leaves to go tell Asher "for the sake of journalism." In Ray of Light (1), Clare asks Fiona to ask Eli to do the video yearbook to help get him of his slump. At The Dot Eli attempts to flirt with Clare which she shuts down. Clare reminds him that he will be working in these types of situations when he's at college, but Eli believes that this musical won't get him into NYU. Eli looks at them both before saying he doesn't know if he can and walks away. They're no longer borther-sister. At the Frostival Clare offers Eli some cotton candy which Eli spits out. Clare says she doesn't have a plan after she graduates and Eli says he thought she would just come to New York with him. Eli starts to say Clare's name but she cuts him off, "Rule one, no telling me you love me or how amazing you think I am or how much you support me," to which Eli says he does and that's never going to change. Eli tells her that he has to stay in New York to finish his short film and can't go bungee jumping. Clare says she doesn't want Eli to see her like this. Clare says coldly that she thought he could just suck it out. Then at The Dot Clare and Adam are talking then they notice Fitz is working at The Dot. Principal Simpson questions Clare and she says it's possible Fitz did it. Eli denies this but rejects her once more when she asks to come over again. He angrily walks up, breaks the conversation and shoves Fitz and tells him to back off, asking Clare if she's okay. The name of this way of sleeping depends on if bodies are touching or not. They both agree it was a "great" night. . Did Eli sleep with Lenore? Clare asks Eli how his short film is going. But you can always cuddle and then fall back to separate beds. Clare agrees to talk to Eli. He says that's why they shouldn't waste it, offers her her crown, and asks "What do you say, my queen?" He then finds out it was Clare who convinced Fiona to talk Eli out of it since it seems to be putting Eli in a bad place. Later on during class, Adam wonders why Eli isn't sitting next to Clare. In U Dont Know (2), Imogen is seen at Little Miss Steaks spying on Clare with Jake. He kisses her deeply and asks again. Eli is under the impression that it's a date. Clare seems unsettled by this but just brushes it off with an nervous joke. On Degrassi, Clare Edwards and Eli Goldsworthy always seem to be drawn to each other. Clare smiles into him and Eli kisses Clare on the head and asks if she's ready to go. In Building A Mystery (1), Eli and Clare are walking hand in hand towards the school and talking about Elis new project he has yet to think of, Becky bumps into them and says sorry before leaving, and they watch her go. In Drop the World (1), Eli sprints to the school to find Clare, who is shocked to find that her name is listed as one of the authors in his new story, Stalker Angel. Clare says they were having too much fun. Drew later finds Clare crying in the student council room. Eli tells him that's he's giving her some space. Did you flip a switch and erase me from your memory? I cuddle all the time. She opens the door and is surprised to find Eli instead of Cliff, dressed in a prince charming outfit, standing in a horse drawn carriage. The atmosphere is a bit awkward, but that doesn't stop them from continuing. She smiles and says she's sorry for asking but what she writes down is a stream of consciousness, unedited, unproofed. That's my thing." Clare walks up to Alli and they watch Eli walk off. Clare responds empathetically that that's gross. Eli tells Clare that they'll get through this before pulling her to him in a hug. He says that they've been though a lot but he knows that they're meant to be. Clare admits that she hasn't told her mom yet either, and she says she has to do this all very carefully so she can keep her life on track. Eli agrees and later finds out Clare was the one who put Fiona up to it. Eli returns home to take care of Clare and help her fight cancer. Eli turns his attention to Fitz saying he has nothing to say to him and walks out. The next day Eli and Clare are seen with Adam building a fire so that he can burn his old "Gracie" clothes along with Adam's family. While Eli talks, Clare is very upset. Co planned Queer and Disability conference in 2002 San Francisco. He proceeds to get on top of Eli, and says he didn't peg Eli and Lenore as the kind of people to be into bondage. Clare turns off the TV and suggests they "play doctor." She finds the weed on Clare's bed and asks if Eli is a druggie. She gets in and apologizes for calling him heartless and says she didn't mean it. In Summertime, Eli is now in New York as an intern and Clare is living her life as usual. Clare says it won't be easy before pausing and thanking him for being there. Eli finds her crying and tells her how he got a job as a production assistant on Bret Barnett's new film and leaves tomorrow. She says she loves Eli so much that sometimes she can't think straight either. Eli glares at Drew before asking Clare what's going on. Eli tells Clare she does and so does he and then says goodnight before leaving her upset in the middle of prom. Clare thinks it's harder to turn someone down in person. He says, "Are you going to raise a family together? Eli tells her he knows what he is going to have to go through. Eli gets up and takes a few steps in Jake's direction and turns back to Clare and smiles. He begins to walk away when Clare cries that she can't imagine a life without him. Imogen puts her arm around Eli as if they are a couple and calls him "Muffin" twice. She tells him she's upset about the twitter trend #stuffclaresays, how everyone is tweeting what she says, and how Asher saw them when she didn't even say the stuff. Eli smiles and looks down as he hears this. Clare adds that there should be a no pointing it at peoples face's rule too. Eli reassures him that Fiona wasn't thinking straight and Clare adds that she will change her mind. Villain, In class, Clare reveals to Alli that the baby is Eli's and Alli says she needs to tell them both the truth. Clare tells Adam excitedly that there's something going on between her and Eli. Clare laughs but doesn't agree to go. The next day, he stands in the green house where he found Cam and Clare walks in. She can't believe he invaded her privacy. After he leaves to answer his call, Clare finds a pack of cigarettes in his coat pocket.
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