Destiny caught her husband leaving a party with his ex-girlfriend; Brandee found salacious text messages and nude photos of a mystery woman on her fiance's phone; 18 months into their relationship, Brittney learned that her boyfriend is married. Give Them the Test! They were very emotional as they told MAURY their stories and said that they didn't want anything from these men except for them to be in their kids' lives. DNA Will Prove You Have 7 Children With 6 Women! Two angry grandmothers want to sort out their kid's DNA mystery. She was terrified to tell her mother, so she confided in the man she knows is the father of her child, a man named Reggie. Andrew says his one-night stand takes advantage of men to have a baby; Jermaine says doctors told him he is unable to get a woman pregnant; JC says he has his own scientific way of birth control. Will the DNA Prove I Had a Baby With My Wife and My Mistress? And Kelly was 100% sure that Tony was her babys dad until MAURY read, ""you are not the father!"" She has a few simple wishesfor people to treat her like a regular kid, to meet Maury Povich and a pro-wrestler. Armed with a video camera, Brian catches people in the ""act"" and then calls the police. Man to Man Stop Denying My Teen Daughter's Baby! Did they pick up the pieces after revealing secrets on our stage? Our Teens are oversexed and out of Control. Stephanie thinks her marriage to Robert is unraveling because of his addiction to social media and women; Quiana fears that her relationship has been fraught with lies; Keasha's boyfriend, Caleb, faces a lie detector test. You Love Him but the DNA Will Prove I Had a Baby With Him! You Know I Was 15 Stop Trying to Pin Your Baby on Me, DNA Truth.. Did My Husband have 2 kids with his Mistress. Plus MAURY has updates on some of the obese babies that have been on the show in the pasthave they lost any weight? Last week we met Sanman and Lisa. These struggling moms want these men to take paternity tests so they can demand the support they desperately need to he. MAURY has all of the shocking results today! Please consider taking this quick survey to let us know how we're doing and what we can do better. One Man, Four Angry Adult Kids.. is He their father? Is the Man I Love in a Secret Relationship With My Mom? Did Caitlin have Erics baby? Kenetha's mother made a deathbed confession that led Kenetha and her best friend to believe they are sisters; Heather wants to prove to her husband that he is her daughter's father; Ashley wants Rashawn to step up and be a dad to her child. MAURYs makeover team is at it again and you wont believe the results! Her mother is so angry she has to be restrained when Danny comes out on stage. These mean and destructive kids admitted to smoking, stealing and drinking alcohol and were proud of the fact that they were often in big trouble at school. The mothers on today's show admit they could have worse problemsbut they are still troubled by the way their daughters dress and act. DNA will prove my 16 year old is not the father, Test Our Twins You Cheated and One Twin. DNA Test my Brother. I'm Dating My Best Friend's Father Is He a Cheater? They were married shortly afterand three years later, they are still smitten. Bradley denies both his ex-wife's daughter and his ex-girlfriend's baby boy; Roosevelt has had other men's babies pinned on him five times, and he says Jermesha's little girl will be the sixth. Prove That's My Son's Baby! Denied for 19 Years Today I'll Prove You're My Dad! She hasn't seen him in two years but she still thinks about him all of the time. Prove You Didn't Cheat With Her! Their daughters have agreed to get makeovers from MAURYs famous experts "" but they wont promise to like themor keep them for that matter! Then Ricky confessed to his fiance Chelsea that he h. John aspires to be a rapper and says Dabria wants to trap him with someone elses baby due to his future success. Many women have come to MAURY to test the men they were 100% certain fathered their babies only to learn that these men were not the fathers! Find out if the men who promised they would take care of the children they found out were theirs are keeping up their end of the bargain. She can't speak to anyone without his permission first. It's a frightening thought to know that a stranger could be watching your every move or video taping you without you knowing it. Test Him! Two years ago Chelsea admitted that she was cheating on her boyfriend Corey with his friend and he forgave her, but who fathered her baby? I Need a Family for the Holidays Give Me the DNA Results! And they are singing and dancing their way to stardom! MAURY's guests are as opposite as night and day but love keeps them together! Is This Child I Baby-Sat Really My Man's Love Child? They hope that sharing their shocking stories to millions will spare others from the humiliation they have suffered. Diana did not know that Tyrone was married the entire time he was dating her. i'm Disabled and Alone Stop Denying our baby, I've Taken 8 dna test.. This is a list of Maury guests who have appeared on the show more than 10 times. A Parent's Worst Nightmare Can a Psychic Find My Missing Child? Marcellina's fiance is in a social media love affair with someone else; Chelana doesn't trust her new husband, because she's haunted by all of the men who have cheated on her. Every time I have seen this show it has something to do with paternity tests. i'm 19 is my 35 year old boyfriend cheating with my mom. Sylvia's boyfriend flirts with one of her friends and was caught in another friend's apartment at 3 a.m.; Shelly returns, fearing that her husband is cheating on her like her ex-boyfriend did; Dawn found explicit videos on her boyfriend's phone. Sibling Sex Secrets Did My Sister Sleep with the Man I Love? Marshall believes his wife Lisa is cheating on him and he is doubtful that he is the father of her five-month-old baby boy. The women on today's MAURY have finally collected the courage to tell their husbands and boyfriends that another man may have fathered their children. Remember that some of these women have believed for years that they knew who their child's father was. Our Son Says He Saw You Cheating Take the Test! Guests are given makeovers for a new attitude and outlook on life. The man she believes might be the fa. Did My Son Get 2 Women Pregnant Before He Was Killed. WE CAN PROVE ONE MAN FATHERED BOTH OF OUR BABIES! MAURY has all of the paternity test results today! Test Them! Searching through her husband's phone, Francesca finds an audio recording of him having sex; Amber and Bradley return to the show, because she thinks he is cheating again. They say they are 100% sure the young women who are accusing their sons of fathering their babies are wrong and they want paternity tests to prove it. Plus, MAURY talks to innocent victims whose lives have been shattered because they were secretly videotaped in compromising positions. 3 Men 3 Tests Who's the Father of Tiffany's Baby? I Got a Text From Your Wife! And because it is hard to walk long distances, Millie spends most of her day in a wheelchair. MAURY makes her one wish come true! Will DNA Prove My Deceased son had a Daughter, You begged for a baby Now you want a DNA Test, Maury, Give me the results. How will Don react when he hears the news? I CANT BELIEVE MY 10 YEAR OLD STEALS, SMOKES & DRINKS! April has been looking for her long lost love Rick for over 20 years. IM BACK TO TEST THE 5TH MANARE YOU MY BABYS DADDY? Linnece's family fell apart when her boyfriend's sister started a smear campaign to destroy it; Leslie denies he is the father of his wife's children, because of their physical attributes; Chez's mother dropped a bomb on him. My Dad Is Not Your Father We'll Prove It Today! These denying dads are deadest against taking responsibility for these children, but thats not what these fuming moms think! Nisha claims Kim's boyfriend made her pregnant; Dasia is suspicious of what's going on between her husband Tre and her sister Netra; Josh says he found love emails between his girlfriend and another man. I'm 28 Is My 58-Year-Old Boyfriend a Cheater? I'm Having an Affair with My Cousin's Man! MAURY finds out. But I didn't Get Her Pregnant. Bruce says he called the show because he doesn't trust Takeesha and he wants to know for sure if he is the father of her daughter. Let's just say there is a lot of Kim to love! They've made us laugh, they've made us cry. Plus, Karens murder might have gone unsolvedif her killer hadnt been caught on tape! Find out if their relationships were destroyed, or if their loved ones were able to forgive and forget. HELP! Test My 3 Kids Is My Husband or My Ex the Father? Montenisha puts up fliers with Deandre's face and the words "Missing Deadbeat"; Zane is an irresponsible father, making only three child support payments; Juwan has been part of a baby's life but wants a DNA test, given the mother's history. I'm Counting on this 4th DNA Test Are you my child's Dad? Many women have come to MAURY certain that paternity tests were going to prove that the man they brought to the show was their babys father. The Test Will Prove It! Be A Guest On the Maury Show. FOX September 10, 2001 9:00am-10:00am EDT. The weather may be cold, but these shocking updates are red hot! Did the lie detector results force the cheaters to become faithful? Now, their moms want to see their sons as men again! I'm Pregnant With Twins Are You Cheating With My Sister? Aaliyah says her baby daddy pretends to be father of the year on social media but won't even buy diapers; Josie wants to prove to her husband that he is the father of their son; Nya is desperate for help with her baby, whom Dainen refuses to meet. Kim admits she has made some very big mistakes and she is here today to try and make things right. Repelus says she is 100% sure that Eric is the father of her two year old son Dartanuan. Guilty or Innocent, Your Spiritual Vibes told me. IM 17 AND I HAVE NO IDEA WHICH GUY IS MY BABYS FATHER! She paid his rent, fed him and bought him clothes. The fate of these families depended on the paternity test results "" some got the answers they were looking for, others had their worst fears confirmed. There were 30 men.. Ill Prove your child isnt mine, you're 21. For instance, I saw a man humiliated by his wife and found out that it was possible that the baby he knows as his own may not be his. This talk show differs from many of its peers in that it covers topics that are more sensitive and "private".Day after day, Maury and his producers invite guests to the show. I'M 15---I CAN'T FORGIVE MY DAD FOR HAVING AN AFFAIR, I HAVE TO TELL YOU I'M LIVING A SECRET LIFE, MY MOM IS 100 PERCENT SURE I AM NOT THE FATHER OF YOUR BABY (PART 1), MY MOM IS 100 PERCENT SURE I AM NOT THE FATHER OF YOUR BABY (PART 2). After the Threesome Is My Fiance Secretly Dating Her? MAURY has all of the shocking results today! I"ll Prove that's his baby, confess.. i cheated with my Fiancees mother 4 times, The Paternity Test will prove i Had a baby with your man, I'm 63 She's 21 a DNA test will prove i did not get her pregnat. Are You Cheating While Our Baby Is in the Hospital? Dont miss MAURYs most explosive paternity updates yet! The alleged fathers continue to make a case as to why they believe they will be in the clear once the paternity test results are revealed. He denied then and there that he was the father "" and he called the show to prove it. Will the paternity tests prove them wrong? Plus "" they get some hands on baby training. These hurt and angry women want their sneaky lovers to take lie detector testsand they say the results will determine if they end their relationships. PART 1, I'M ONLY IN THE 8TH GRADEARE YOU MY BABY'S DADDY? When the tests proved that these men were not the fathers""the women were truly stunned! Then, Sarah made the mistake of sleeping with 2 men years ago and thinks Johnny fathered her son! Marie says she has been unable to tell Rickie her secrets because she was scared he would leave her. They say they are tired of being battered and bruised by these mean men, but that they don't have the courage to leave either. Plus thirteen year old Jasmine has been suspended from school ten times because kids make fun of her huge, out of control hair. Shayla is desperate to prove that Chuck is the father of her four year old son Trevor. He says he loves her regardless of their differencesalmost 200 pounds of difference! Angry, young mothers are here to confront the men they know fathered their babies. Did My Fiance Cheat and Have a Secret Love Child? Married in 6 Weeks Is My Fiance Cheating? Once the secrets are finally out "" will the feelings be mutual? Daunte says her fiance occasionally goes missing for nine to 10 hours and returns home smelling peculiar; Stephanie thinks her husband is a sex addict and sleeping with multiple women; Tiffany suspects that her new husband had sex with her sister. Today he is fulfilling some of those requests! This young woman is desperate to find a father for her child and sent MAURY a video postcard requesting to test three more men! ITS BEEN 11 YEARSIM AFRAID OUR KIDS MAY NOT BE YOURS! They were wild, out of control and unforgettable! I Hope the other guy isn't the dad, Your child is left- handed.. That proves she's not mine, DNA Will Prove you're a fool and Your son is the Dad, Listen to the Psychics Help us Find our missing loved ones. Tabitha has brought seven different men to MAURY for paternity tests. The distraught women on todays MAURY already suspected that their husbands might be cheating""thats why they came to the show. PART 2. WEVE BEEN MARRIED 9 YEARS BUT OUR BABY MAY NOT BE YOURS! He says that Nicole is in love with him and that is why she wants him to be the father. STOP THE SEX AND FIGHTING YOU'RE ONLY 14! Andrea got back at her cheating husband and had a threesome with his friend! Both sides are sure they are right and believe the paternity test results will prove it. But the minute these men are on their own""their true colors are exposed. You may have""and not even known it! I'm 22 DNA will prove this 40 year old is my baby's dad. SHOCKING & FRIGHTENING MOMENTS CAUGHT ON TAPE! Jazmine's dreams of a perfect family are in peril; Rob's cousin told him he witnessed Rob's fiancee kissing another man; 20-year-old Asia accuses her 62-year-old partner of cheating with his clients. What will these heartbroken women decide to do next? (2001) Part 1 of 2. He's Only 22 but i'll prove he's the father of my four kids. I WAS UGLY IN SCHOOLNOW MY HOT LOOKS RULE! The women on todays MAURY are already convinced that their husbands and boyfriends are cheating""but the men they love adamantly deny any wrong doing. This 27 year old is too white to be my son, 7 DNA Tests 7 Babies Is Johnny the Father Again. N. They were keeping deep, dark secrets from their loved ones and decided it was time to tell the truth. None of the men tested turned out to be the father! She says she finds bras and panties that are not hers in her own bedroom and says Bobby comes home every night smelling like another womans perfume. MAURY finds out! Gerica met Skyler a year after Hurricane Katrina and is sure that Skyler fathered her son. They walk, talk and dress like boys and thats the way they like it! Bring Her Out! MAURY is talking to distraught mothers who are begging their young daughters to change their out of control and promiscuous behavior. The angry women on todays MAURY are positive they know who fathered their babies""and they are bringing the men here to prove it! Pregnant at 15 How Could You Deny My Baby! I'm Praying DNA Proves I'm Not Raising Another Man's Baby! OUTRAGEOUS PATERNITY TEST RESULTS AND UPDATES! The DNA Will Tell. But the men deny each accusation and swear they have been faithful. Our Neighbor Saw You Cheating Is That My Baby? MY LIFE WOULD BE DIFFERENT IF I COULD JUST CHANGE ONE THING! Carla has been keeping her secret for eleven years. I Cheated and He's Not the Dad! Emma was also in a controlling, abusive relationship but she never thought her husband would try to kill her. A woman wants to prove to her husband that he is the father of her child; a teenage mother believes she knows who her child's father is. Michael claims that he is not Damika's father because the texture of his other 10 children's hair is different. Maury (TV Series 1991-2022) - Full Cast & Crew - IMDb Edit Maury (1991-2022) Full Cast & Crew See agents for this cast & crew on IMDbPro Series Directed by Series Writing Credits Anthony Freire . Kasharae wants to prove to Carlton and his meddlesome mother, Erica, that he is her son's father; Leonard discovered another man's clothing in his house; Jasmine says Kadetra admitted to cheating on Edward and that he is not Kadetra's baby's dad. Johnathan was shocked when Rachel told him that she was pregnant, as he didn't think he could father children; Rodrecius says Sharita is saying that Floyd is her newborn's dad only because she wants to be with him; Stephanie and Shannon return. They both say the three decades between them is no big deal for them, so it shouldn't be a big deal for anyone else! I'm 51 Is My 34-year-old Fiance Cheating with My Daughter? I Need 2 more dna Tests. All these kids cant be mine, More Tests. More Denials.. We're back for the truth, You got my teen pregnant. But Does He Cheat? You Told My Mom You Cheated That's Not My Baby! Why Did You Name Your Baby After Me? Rickie is shocked to learn that Marie has cheated on him, and that their two year old daughter might not be his! She also beats up on her younger sister and has hit her mother. Artis' fiance has something to say about his social media love affair with Jennifer; Britney was blindsided when Martel confessed to cheating with another woman, and she hopes to find out if the affair ever ended. Josh is dumbfounded when the woman he loves reveals that she cheated on him once and that she is unsure if their 7 month old child is his. My Daughter Is Trying to Trick You That's Not Your Baby! The women on todays MAURY have finally found the courage to tell their husbands and boyfriends that another man may have fathered their children. Psychics try to help locate missing children and solve mysteries. Maury (TV Series 1991-2022) cast and crew credits, including actors, actresses, directors, writers and more. Now that the secret is outwill DNA results finally give Ken the father he never had? Will DNA Prove My Twins Have 2 Different Fathers? Both of them cant be right""results reveal who is! Kim has no idea who has a crush on herwait until you see her reaction when Will flaunts his moves on stage! Of course the crushes have no idea who has the hots for them "" so MAURY helps them out with silly and sexy clues. Part 2. Daun wants Santana to take a lie detector test to find out exactly what her daughter has been up to. They may be head over heels in love but you won't believe your eyes when you meet the odd couples on today's MAURY! The Most Results Ever, I'll Prove Your Fiance fathered both of Kids, Triplets don't Run in Our Family.. Is My son their Father, A Red Bug attack left me Sterile.. That's not my baby, My Husband will leave me if my twins are not his, 10 Women failed Before You Won;t prove im your baby's Father, i can't believe i'm Back Anthony Baby Another Test, 15 People Told me you cheated.. are the Twins mine. Is My Husband Having an Affair With My Daughter? Before Melissa was anorexic, she wanted to be a newscaster and aspired to be like Connie Chung. Jessica doesn't believe her ex-husband is Kirsten's father; Eric's mother was 14 when she discovered she was pregnant with him and knew her baby-daddy only by his initials; Kimble contacted Keyana through social media, claiming to be her dad. I'll Prove My Stepdad Is a Cheater! Take the Test! When Valerie began dating Ken, she couldn't help notice how much he resembled her .more HE SAYS HE LOVES MEWHY DOES HE TORTURE ME? Lela confesses she often violently lashes out at her four children. Classic Maury rewind.. Plus, updates from Brie "" the woman who suffers from Tourette syndrome who inspired so many of you to write to us, and Mindy the special teen without any legs who stole everyones heart! When Shanequa was about to go into labor, she had to walk to the hospital by herself because Thomas refused to take her; Duane denies Nicole's baby because he has been with a number of women and has never gotten one pregnant. My Daughter Cheated on You That's Not Your Baby! Then, Ben says that Angela's child is his. MAURY has the explosive paternity test results today! Dwayne says he hopes baby Hunter is his because he knows he will not be able to stay in the marriage if he is not Hunter's biological father. I'M POSITIVE ONE OF THESE SIX MEN IS MY BABY'S FATHER! Test Them! Who fathered my wife's Kids. I'LL PROVE MY DAUGHTER'S FIANC IS A CHEATER! These Two Kids Are Yours! Scotts wife Kallie is sick of women approaching her husband because he looks like a rock star with his four foot mane! The Truth Unmasked. These women, once and for all, want to prove to their men they ARE the father of their baby and they need to be responsible for their child. I'm 45, Is My 29-year-old Boyfriend Cheating with My Daughter? 19-year old Tay slept with Kyle once and got pregnant. Love is definitely in the air! Movies. Did My Mom Seduce My Man in the Hot Tub? Will Tessa's story have a happy ending? More Secrets More Tests Will the Results Save My Father. They may look innocent, but wait until you see what was captured on hidden camera. Are exposed year after Hurricane Katrina and is sure that Skyler fathered son. Love keeps them together been married 9 years but she never thought her husband try... 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